Mittwoch, 30. Dezember 2009

First and second generation immigrants

A poem by Nadami C.

The author wants to convey that people from two countries have two cultures. They often feel that they are “between the chairs”. They do not feel home in one country.

They consider themselves as foreigners or they are considered as foreigners.

I think Nadami Chandramohan is the tree of the poem. It is a kind of metaphore she used to describe herself as a tree. The roots could be the country where her parents come from. Roots are the part of a tree which make the tree strong and safety because of windy days. Often they are not visible but must be always there because they make the tree safety and are indispensible for the tree´s life. In contrast to the roots are the leaves. Leaves fall down every autum and grow new ones in spring. They are visible and skinny. Leaves are not strong and can not safe the tree. In autum they change their colour.
She says that she sometimes changes her “true colour” asweel. The people should recognize she, really is. She can neither identify with her classmates nor with her family. She feels foreign and pretends to be somebody is not.
All in all I think her messages ist that she wants to be free to make her own decicions and to be accepted. All the people should accepted her like she really is

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